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Maintenance Panel

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Maintenance Panel


CVR Headset

Headphone output to monitor the Cockpit Voice Recorder, e.g., for testing.


The maintenance crew uses this pushbutton to reset the control circuit, after the system has operated.

  • ON: The PASSENGER SYS ON light goes off.
  • FAULT: when the door latch solenoids are energized for more than 30s this light comes on in white.

SVCE INT OVRD pushbutton switch

  • Auto: Ground personnel can communicate with the flight crew by means of the service interphone jacks 10s after the aircraft has landed. The landing gear must be compressed.
  • ON: Communication is possible when the landing gear is not compressed. The ON light is white.

AVIONICS COMP LT pushbutton switch

  • AUTO: avionic compartment lighting is automatically controlled by door opening
  • ON: avionic compartment lighting is on

BLUE PUMP OVRD pushbutton switch (guarded).

  • ON: The blue electric pump is on if the ELEC PUMP pushbutton switch on the HYD panel is at AUTO.
  • OFF: The blue electric pump is off.

HYD LEAK MEASUREMENT VALVES pushbutton switch (guarded).

  • OFF: The corresponding electrohydraulic valve closes and shuts off hydraulic supply to the primary flight controls.
  • ON: The corresponding electrohydraulic valve opens to go back to normal hydraulic supply.


  • TEST PB-SW: When pressed, tests the following APU circuits:

    • Fire warning
    • Auto extinguishing
    • Shutdown.

    During the test sequence, the APU MASTER sw must be ON. If all circuits are operating correctly, the OK light comes on.

    Note: If the APU was running, it shuts down.

  • RESET PB: When pressed, resets the test circuit.

ENG FADEC GND PWR pushbutton switches

  • OFF: The electrical network of the aircraft or the FADEC alternator automatically supplies the FADEC.
  • ON: On ground, when pressed the electrical network of the aircraft supplies the FADEC when:
    • The ENG FIRE pb-sw is not pressed,
    • The FADEC alternator does not supply the FADEC.

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Last update: August 25, 2021
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